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Church Life

Nurture Group

The 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month finds the Nurture Group meeting at a member's home at 7pm, to share dessert and coffee/tea and chat. 

At about 7.45pm it is time to listen to a piece of music, chosen by one of the members , who also shares why that piece is special to him/her. This is followed by a joke from another member of the group.

After this we move to the Main Activity of the night. These activities are varied. This year it included playing a game (e.g. Scruples), listening to someone's life story, sharing something about yourself like your very favourite piece of music, what your hands tell about yourself, learning about the mating habits of the bower bird.

The night concludes with each person sharing the highlights of the past fortnight, and a prayer followed by the benediction at 9.30 pm.

A secretary/time keeper is elected for 12 months, and is guaranteed that the role will only be for 12 months.

Nurture group gives members a chance to get to know others a little better. It encourages friendships to grow in a happy safe environment.

The 5th Thursday is a PARTY NIGHT. This will be a shared meal in someone's home or at a restaurant.
The programme is set at a planning meeting about twice a year with all members offering suggestions and volunteering for different activities.

New members are always welcome, and meetings are advertised in the weekly notices.

If you would like more information about any activities of Marsden Road Church, please feel free to contact one of the above, or -

  • Elaine Forrest: (02) 9874 7231 or Ruth Henderson: (02) 9875 2194